5 months divine feminine mastermind

Burn your last iteration to the ground.
This is where you enter the next level of your business

Stretching your nervous system into being seen on a larger scale… Stretching into holding even more clients… Stretching into becoming the most RAW, vulnerable version of you… this is what we do here.

Is this


𓆙 You are ready to expand into your next level in your business.. Honestly, you have been for quite some time

𓆙 You want to have a business that are consistently making money, when you are not in hard launch mode and when you are

𓆙  You want to create more consistency in your business (seriously done with feast and famine)

𓆙  You KNOW you have so much more potential than what you are living right now 

𓆙  You have huge dreams for yourself and your business and deep down you know you are made to have a big audience looking at you

𓆙  You KNOW you are going to make it big, but you DEEPLY desire to speed up the process

You came here to make an impact – and we are about to make it happen

I am not here to tell you, that all you need is just this *magic pill* strategy, and you will create your dream business.

You are here because you know deep down, that to create the things you dream of requires deep inner work.

You can learn the strategy of $100,000 launches – I can (and will) teach it to you.. But the work we do here, is so much bigger than that.

In this container I am going to challenge you to go deeper in your inner work than you have ever done – to step into the leader you need to be, to be seen by a large audience – to OFFER the big dream offer, to attract and hold an even bigger audience.

I can teach you all of this, because I have done it myself. Twice.

Build my business from the ground up.

I have SEEN sabotage, because I have done it – and I help my clients move through it, because I’ve walked through the fire of transformation myself. 

This is how we are going to Hit your goals

I have worked with hundreds of women in aligning them to their soul path, mastering working with their intuition and creating a financially sustainable business making $10k + months. 

I am here to tell you, that the only thing that differentiates them and those who hasn’t created it yet is a deep connection to their intuition, deep inner work, mastering grounded strategy and creating a few offers that can attract the clients who deeply need  your work, and knowing how to market that offer in an aligned and grounded way. And, my support. 

It sounds simple, because it is.
Are you ready to go all in on your business?

Where would you be, and what would you do if the sky was the limit

Everything we are about 

to leave behind

This is what we are finally saying goodbye to in your life and in your business

So you can finally have the business of your desires

꩜ Not seeing the path clearly and feeling like your launches are a hit or miss

꩜ Playing small and doubting your skills to make this happen

꩜ Not knowing the right way to market your offers

꩜ Fluctuating income and never quite knowing if the next launch will do well

꩜ Losing faith halfway through launches, lowkey sabotaging your results

꩜ Feeling alone on this journey, trying your best, fighting tooth and nail to make it happen

꩜ Feeling terrified of burning out.. Terrified of making it big incase you burn out and have to refund people

I want to let you know that all of those fears are valid, cause I have been there.. More than once – and so have all of my clients. The good news is, learning how to master the things I am going to teach you over the next 3 months is going to help you know EXACTLY what to do, to make your business and your launches a success and have a consistent growing business.



This is not a cookie cutter method. It’s a mix between the spiritual work, the mindset work, the nervous system regulation and the grounded masculine strategy

Vicki went from $5000 years to $15,000 months

Watch her story right here

Before working together she had been selfemployed for 3 years NOT SUCCEEDING in her business, making only $5,000 IN A YEAR to leaping into $15,000 months on repeat…
Now going strong FOR A YEAR of $15,000 months


Step 1. Grounding into your purpose + creating from intuition

Step 2. Uplevelling your frequency + removing distortions, energetic and karmic blocks

Step 3. Creating next level offer + improve client journey and product suite

Step 4. Mastering launch systems + marketing and trauma informed + ethical feminine sales practices

Step 5. Manifestation + energywork

And when you are done with High Priestess, this is what you will experience

𓆙 You hear your intuition SO fucking clearly, and you deeply trust it in making all of the right decisions that expands you and brings you closer to your dream reality daily

𓆙 You are embodied your most badass, authentic, FIRE, CONFIDENT, Ceo Bitch version of you – unapologetically. You have never felt MORE you.

𓆙  You manifest QUICKLY 

𓆙 The offerings you bring into this world are unique, next level and you feel SO aligned to them.

𓆙 Your business is consistent, five figure launches is your norm and  money is coming abundantly and you are starting to think about what big dreams you want to create with them.

𓆙 Your instagram and social media platforms are growing, because you have tapped into your innate magnetism and you’re finally being seen as the leader you came to be

𓆙 You are living a life more authentically, and the boundaries and rules that you thought defined your reality, doesn’t anymore. You give less fucks what people think and you feel free to create the life you desire.

𓆙 NOTHING is holding you back anymore. 

Is this what you want, and want to prioritise doing NOW rather than later? 

Let’s do this.

This is not a race, it is a marathon.

This programme has the timeframe it has, because although we are mastering quantum leaps here – we are not in a race to get there. We want to find the fine line between expansion and working with your nervous system, so you don’t collapse or have a burn out. HOLDING MORE feels inherintly unsafe, because it’s a new experience.. That is why we want to make sure that all parts of you are integrated and feels safe in the process.

This is what you get

when you join

4 Months of support

Every month we will have 3 live calls and one week off for integration. Two of these calls will be mastermind style calls, and one will be a live teaching on which ever THEME  or strategic support is needed at the time for you to hit your next level.

Your pocket oracle

In between calls the group will be connected through Telegram, so you can drop in with manifestation celebrations, questions about business or branding and what ever you need spiritual or business guidance on. Think of this as your telegram group with your business Besties. 

The psychic business mastery portal

You will have a year acess to my psychic business course portal, and all of the trainings I do on marketing mastery, business mastery, product suite design, five figure launches and sales training I have already created in my best selling programs Wolf ($5555 investment), Prosperity Mastermind ($11,000 investment) and The Movement ($1640 investment). As we are working together, I am monthly adding to these teachings.

The value of all of these goodies are over $15,000 – but you won’t be paying that.

The portal of Psychic Business Mastery alone have teachings from different programs and mastermind I have created in the past, and JUST THEM alone were over $15,000 investment – but we are not done with the abundance here..

The investment for 

High Priestess


Partial payments available

3 months spiritual business mastery

(value: over £11,000)


🜁  4 months live teachings and modules

🜁  One week of integration per month

🜁  Your own pocket oracle and telegram support

🜁  Lifetime access to the 
Psychic Business Mastery course

Want to connect before committing?

I completely get why it’s important to make the aligned decision for you. 

You can also aquire about different payment options on the call, if you need a bit more flexibility to make this feel like a safe decision for your nervous system.

xx maddie