Temple of

1:1 business container for disrupters, female intuitives, healers and shadowworkers who want to rebirth themselves and their business into their next level

A high level 1:1 shadow work and business container to support you in creating the next level in your business anchored in heart, aligned to your purpose and led by intuition.

We are not creating your next level.
We are simply helping you remembering it

You already know exactly what impact you are meant to have in this world. You have seen it so many times. Every time you close your eyes it’s there, insisting you, and urging you to come get it.

I am here to tell you that your intuition and your desires are ALWAYS guiding you to the things meant for you. The impact you DEEPLY know you are meant to have, the people you are to influence into living a life that is more true, more connected more in alignment with their desires it’s all true, and I am here to offer you my help on your mission.

I am here to be the doula in your rediscovery and rebirth into
everything that you came here to be. 

My name is Madelyn, I am at your service.



You know, that the best work you have ever done 
in your business, was when you were following the flow of intuition. That when you are fully in alignment, you are stepping into your biggest, your boldest, your bravest – and offering the BIG THINGS to the world – that’s when sudden clients  drop in. That’s when the money lands. That’s when magical things start to happen.

And although we know this, it is a big challenge to STAY IN THE MAGIC ZONE. Your alignment is always shifting, and you are constantly challenged to push yourself into becomming this NEXT LEVEL VERSION OF YOU. As we know, growth is terrifying for your reptillian brain, your distortions, your ego.. And so, time and time again, it create roadblocks for you, and fools you into holding yourself.. Just a bit smaller. Just a bit slower, than what you know you can be.

In this container – the Temple of Transformation, we are changing that. 

This is my kind of magic

My biggest gift here on this earth, is seeing your blind spots. Seeing where you are keeping yourself small, and challenge you on to come into alignment (both lovingly and dommy mommy style), what your next level offers should be, how you can offer them, and keep you calm as you listen to your intuition and STAY IN THE QUANTUM LEAP ZONE, so you can make big shifts quickly. 

My biggest gift is my biggest curse – I am OVERLY engaged with my clients. I will tell you things exactly as they are – which means – you will probably be triggered more than you ever have been with any coach before me.. And you will transform and expand SO much quicker.

Shadow Alchemy +
Distortion Clearing

Curating your next level self, your next level offerings, inviting in a huge audience into your social media profiles… Simply designing and stepping into your soul blueprint of what you came to offer into this world.

the new level

To create massive expansion in your life and in your business, you’ve first got to BURN DOWN all parts of you, that no longer serves your highest timeline. My greatest gift is that I see exactly where the blocks are, so I can help you work through them

The duality of human & bossbabe

One of the biggest challenges I have had to overcome and work with and through, has been navigating creating a successful business while having a child, and also in moments, healing chronic illness & burn out. I understand what it means to have duality to navigate while building success. I will support you doing that, so you can succeed despite being a messy human

Your authentic, raw, messy and magnetic self

Hereby giving you the full permission to become your most authentic self. Here you are held as you remember everything you came here to do, be challenged in going bigger in your goals, your offerings, and revealing layers of yourself that makes you so fucking unique. 

Deepen manifestation mastery

In this container, the spiritual work, the energetic work and the manifestation work is an integral part of the work. Where strategy might be 30% – the energetics contain the 70% and the real reason behind my – and my clients success. In this container you will learn to master the keys to recreate your reality SO DEEPLY you will in fact be able to teach it, if you so desire.


To invite in bigger launches, more money and more clients, that comes through birthing new offerings into the world. I have helped so many of my clients create launches that hit $20,000, $30,000 and $100,000 by creating seductive offers that their clients deeply desire.. Let’s make that happen for you

Navigating the launchcontraction

Along the way of your next level launch, there’s going to be moments and contractions, where you question, where you want to give up, and not show up. This is when the support of ToT will be priceless because you will be held in those moments to break through those beliefs, and you can continue on (and thus have the biggest launches of your career)

Client Transformation Journey

Instead of having a business that is only selling when we have a hard launch, we want to create structures in your business that seamless invite people into your smaller containers on repeat, even when you are not hard launching. These are selling even when you are not launching, and creates a business that is building momentum

the expansion

And lastly, the biggest key to create a business that grow over time is holding the expansion. After a big launch, a lot of people ghost their business until money runs out again or you are at your financial pressure point. Here, we make sure that doesn’t happen and hold you, so you can continue to grow.

your messy is your magnetic. you have full permission to be your chaotic, imperfect, raw human self & be wildly succesful at the same time 

Vicki went from $5000 years to $15,000 months

Watch her story right here

Before working together she had been selfemployed for 3 years NOT SUCCEEDING in her business, making only $5,000 IN A YEAR to leaping into $15,000 months on repeat…
Now going strong FOR A YEAR of $15,000 months

I don’t teach cookie cutter methods, but help you find the method that feels aligned and true to you. This is where we uplevel your INTUITIVE LED BUSINESS that is exponantially growing over time, feels good in your nervous system and is aligned to YOU.

And after the temple of transformation, 
this is who we are transforming into..

Someone who CONFIDENTLY is showing up authentically in your business. You have build your brand, your audience has grown… You have a business that not only FEELS aligned, but that is making way more money than before.

You feel relaxed in your nervous sysem, and you know that your business will continue to grow because you have the capacity to hold it.. Your business is stable and is consistently bringing in money.

We are working towards shifting your business, your strucutures, your inner world and your marketing, so you can create a £15,000-£20,000 launch within 3 months of us working together (but I will let you know on the clarity call what I would deem to be realistic based on where you are right now)

Every month will be with 2 live 1:1 calls and ongoing support on telegram

This is what you get

when you join

2 monthly calls

Every month we will have 2 live calls based on which ever THEME or strategic support is needed at the time for you to hit your next level.

Your pocket oracle

In between calls the group will be connected through Telegram, so you can drop in with manifestation celebrations, questions about business, feedback on content or branding and what ever you need spiritual or business guidance on. 

The psychic business mastery portal

You will have a year acess to my psychic business course portal, and all of the trainings I do on marketing mastery, business mastery, product suite design, five figure launches and sales training I have already created in my best selling programs Wolf ($5555 investment), Prosperity Mastermind ($11,000 investment) and The Movement ($1640 investment).

These are some of the teachings you will find in the portal:
£100,000 launch secrets
Feminine Sales Process
Launch systems for £20,000 launches
Converting content codes
Moneyfestation (the art of attracting money)
Finding your life purpose
Next level offer creation
Magical content creation
Quantum Leaping and sabotage spirals

The value of all of these goodies are over $15,000 – but you won’t be paying that.

The portal of Psychic Business Mastery alone have teachings from different programs and mastermind I have created in the past, and JUST THEM alone were over $15,000 investment – but we are not done with the abundance here..

The investment


Partial payments available

Running 1:1 support – you sign up for initially one month and then we can extend to either 3 or 6 months.


🜁  2 calls  per month

🜁  Your own pocket oracle and telegram support

🜁  Lifetime access to the 
Psychic Business Mastery course (with the new editions that will be made moving forward)

Want to connect before committing?

I completely get why it’s important to make the aligned decision for you. 

You can also aquire about different payment options on the call, if you need a bit more flexibility to make this feel like a safe decision for your nervous system.