Be seen as the leader you came to be.
it’s time to magnetise.


Vortex Method

grow your presence + magnetise your audience

4 weeks intesive group programme

Teaching you the exact strategy to grow your instagram to 10k followers, through energywork, shadowwork, strategy and astrology.
This is how I’ve grown with 12500 new followers + had 150 new client sign ups in 6 months.. Let’s do the same for you ♥️

How TF did you grow with 12500 new followers in 6 months?

I want to be completely honest with you..
Instagram was absolutely doing my head in. 

Here I was, a successful coach with $150k launches behind me.. But I could not for the life of me get more followers. I was stuck at 2200 followers for the best part of 4 years – and to be quite frank. I was embarassed.

I wanted to be seen as the thought leader as I knew myself to be – and in January I said “this is IT. I am breaking through to 11,1k followers before the end of this year..

And I hit that number by May. (And I could have done it WAY quicker, if I hadn’t sabotaged, but I’ll get into that in this programme).

In this 4 week intensive container, I am going to teach you WEEK BY WEEK how to grow your instagram – and not only grow, but leverage it to make sales as well (if that’s something you desire)



The vortex method

this is for you


🔥 You want to grow your social media audience and want to know the exact strategy I’ve used to grow my social media so quickly

🔥 You acknowledge that energywork is important in all expansion and growth and you are ready to do that work too

🔥 You are committed to ACTUALLY MAKING IT HAPPEN in those 4 weeks, while you are getting practical feedback on your content, so you can see quick results

🔥  You want to learn the DL of how to convert a big new audience into paying customers (I’m gonna teach you how I’ve used this method to get over 150 new sign ups to my masterclasses and having a $5000 week just from completely new people dropping into my space.

Are you ready to drop into 

the vortex?

3 weeks to master MAGNETIC GROWTH on instagram – learning the exact steps me and my clients have taken to attract bigger audiences.. And ALSO converted them into paying clients.

This is The Vortex. Where we combine manifestation, energywork with strategy that actually works to attracting a bigger audience and inviting them into your world as clients.

This will be a combination of teaching, workshops (so you can get proper feedback on your content so it’s on point and actually doing the work) and voice notes – because I cannot NOT voicenote.

We’ll have a shared Telegram group for the duration so you can get running support


The energywork + manifestation methods AND ASTROLOGY behind my BLOW UP SUCCESS and how to implement it for your business, no matter the niche.


The STRATEGY break down: What kind of content to create to go viral, what I did before that wasn’t working and what I am doing now.
Breaking down.


The VORTEX method


Converting new audience into clients. How to make content that can go viral AND sell at the same time.

Crafting the perfect bio + Workshop day

You will be given prompts on content to make and during the day / evening I will be available for feedback and prompting you so you have content to.

Offer Structures + Building Momentum

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